Listening Heart LLC

Listening Heart LLC



About Us

Listening Heart, LLC was formed in 2017. Christy completed the requirements for a certificate in Spiritual Direction at Benedict Inn in Beechgrove, Indiana in 2018.

Christy is a spiritual companion dedicated to guiding and facilitating your finding your inner wisdom and voice whether you profess to be Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, other or “spiritual but not religious”. She welcomes anyone who is seeking a deeper, more meaningful spiritual life with God/Source/Higher Power/The Divine. Christy offers a safe and confidential space to allow you to discover your best self, meaning and purpose in relation with The Mystery. She is a former child advocate attorney, college instructor, youth minister, and teacher. Christy served as a spiritual care assistant at mental health facility in southwestern Ohio providing group enrichment gatherings and one-on-one consultations.

As a spiritual director, Christy, provides a listening heart and a compassionate non-judgmental space for you to explore your unique and individual spirituality in a safe, and confidential space.

Christy is a trained SoulCollage ® facilitator, an advanced certified Veriditas labyrinth facilitator, a trained HealthRhythms® facilitator and an INELDA trained End of Life Doula. She is also a Holy Fire® Reiki practitioner and master. She holds a B.A. in Religious Education from Marian University, an M.A. in Pastoral Ministries from the University of Dayton, and a JD from UD.


Labyrinth at office of Listening Heart
SoulCollage® card example
HealthRhythms® drum circle for stress management and wellness
Reiki energy work at office of Listening Heart


Labyrinth Experience for Good Friday
A Taste of SoulCollage®: Discover Your Wisdom, Change Your World workshop
  • A Taste of SoulCollage® April 27, 2025, 1p to 5p EDT, a process for self-discovery and self-understanding
  • Sunday Apr 27, 2025

Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Christy Wesselman