JEE Foods

JEE Foods



About Us

JEE Foods is on the road to end food insecurity and food waste. Through a technology-enabled volunteer network, JEE Foods works with food businesses to recover and redirect excess food to those in need.

Globally, nearly 40% of perfectly good food goes to waste while millions go hungry. JEE Foods is the logistics solution for food businesses of any kind/size with excess food, either on a one-time or regular basis. Through a mobile platform, community members become food rescue heroes and are the crucial link that picks up the excess food when it is convenient for the food donor and delivers it to a local social service agency.

From a sheet pan of excess to a semi-truck of rejected products, our team stands at the ready to save perfectly good food from going to waste while feeding those in need.

JEE Foods was born out of a classroom project and continues to be entirely student-powered. At the core, the purpose of JEE Foods is much deeper than food recovery. Utilizing a three-seed approach (jobs, education, and economy), JEE Foods aims to alleviate poverty while addressing the short-term need for food. Through its operations, JEE Foods works to upskill students and provide on-the-job training to community members in an effort to break the cycle of poverty by creating a cycle of improvement.


Food recovery of over 40,000lbs of fresh corn
A food distribution to local nonprofit organizations
A food recovery from a donor partner, Miami University
A community food distribution
A food recovery from a donor partner, 80 Acre Farms
A bulk food recovery including yogurt, drinks, and chips
A food recovery from a donor partner, JTM

Rep/Contact Info

Kameron Commins
Marketing Team
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Levi Grimm
Executive Director
Olivia Johnson
Marketing Director
Alayna Meade
Finance Director
Kenneth Rakes
Butler County Coordinator